Production Center blucinQue Nice
The production center, a project of company blucinQue, takes its name from the fusion of the company name, blucinQue to be exact, combined with the acronym NICE: blue is the color of communication and creation, five arts are to be investigated in the creative processes, namely circus, theater, dance, music and cinema. There are also five links between municipalities participating in the center’s activities, including Turin, Grugliasco, Moncalieri, Chieri and Settimo Torinese. NICE, on the other hand, stands for Network for International Circus Excellence, and NICE is also the name of the NicePlatform digital platform that hosted the Solo in Teatro season, conceived by Caterina Mochi Sismondi responding strongly to the crisis in the theater industry during the pandemic period, as well as the archive of 20 years of Cirko Vertigo Foundation’s history. NICE also indicates the goal of growth, beauty and professionalism that the production center sets for itself.
blucinQueNice is a Showtime application! Theater dedicated, for iOS and Android devices, which allows the production center to communicate with its users in a direct and immediate manner about the entire schedule of events and live performances and all related news.
The viewer of blucinQueNice will have an app on their device with an easy-to-use user experience thanks to the Calendar and Map features.
The Calendar, which is automated, tracks events according to their temporal evolution so as to support the user in the consequential fruition of all the necessary information for the events scheduled for the current day.
The Interactive Map shows the user’s location with respect to the places where the events are taking place, with the possibility of being able to be obtained the relevant directions;
The app was created with the goal of creating a unique, exclusive place for the Community of participating spectators and at theater events organized by Theatre blucinQueNice; creating a customized Wish List allows you to have events of individual interest at your fingertips and be notified on time whenever they begin.
Receiving push notifications also allows visitors, in case of program changes or special appointments, to be notified in a timely manner and stay up-to-date on all theater activities.
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