Duse Theater

The Duse Theater application is an example of branding Showtime! Theater with which viewers will be able to consult, quickly and easily, the schedules of all shows in season. By receiving interactive and programmable push notifications and by implementing the add-on Show.Campaign, and the creation of personal WishLists, with the app every user stays up-to-date in real time on all the Theater’s activities and can quickly purchase their tickets from their smartphone device.


The Duse is traditionally the Theatre of Bologna and one of the oldest in the city. Among the most prominent and vibrant prose theaters nationwide, it has built its prestige by linking its work with the most important names in Italian theater. From 1963 to 2010, the theater was operated by the Ente Teatrale Italiano (E.T.I.), until the latter’s suppression in 2010. Today the Duse is projected into the future thanks in part to special projects for children and young people featuring new talent. Crowning this path of growth and diversification was the decision in 2015 by Mibact to recognize Duse as a Multidisciplinary Programming Body, unique in Italy. A common heritage and cultural crossroads between innovation and tradition, the Duse continues to run propelled, first and foremost, by the love of its audience.


Duse Theater Ltd. – Social Enterprise
Bologna (Bo)


  • iPhone and Android app development
  • Web Console Development for App Management
  • Communication consulting on mobile channel.

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