Mills Valleys Libraries

The Valli dei Mulini library system is part of the network of libraries located in the province of Varese.

The Network consists of the following 129 public libraries spread throughout the province, interconnected through a management software that allows not only a single membership valid at all locations, but also the use of the entire library holdings of all libraries through the inter-lending service. It counts a total of 237,886 enrolled in the service out of a population of 884,876.

The total holdings available to users (the total of all books, DVDs, magazines, audiobooks, etc. owned by individual libraries) amounts to 2,390,917 documents.

The application Showtime! Mill Valleys aims to facilitate access for readers to the catalog of books owned by libraries and make reading a family habit.

Through the app, readers will be able with greater ease to have information about libraries in the Mills Valleys library system, learn about particular books and reading paths, be able to measure yourself in reading challenges and activities to be shared as a family that, in addition to the libraries, thoroughly acquaint them with the area of the library system, which is rich in literary curiosities and more.



  • iPhone app development
  • Android App Development
  • Data Management
  • Backend for app update
  • communication support

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