What do we do for the Culture?

Our digital products and services are sustainable and specific to cultural industries.

showtime! apps

Branded and updatable apps that give a service to customers at all stages of the visit and enable marketing actions to the mobile community.

showtime! CRM

Customer Relationship Management for the Culture, which can be integrated with software already used by operators, essential for doing analysis and taking actions.

showtime! contents

The service that gives support to the institution in producing multimedia content when creative resources are not enough.

showtime! devices

The rental service that allows you to offer your devices on-site for less-digital audiences.

Do you need a customized service?

If you have a specific need we will help you on meeting it.

In what sector do you operate?

Our solutions help operators of different cultural sectors.

Museums and Exhibitions

Museums can drive the visitor throughout his or her discovery journey, before, after and during the visit.
how and why →

Theaters and Production Centers

Theaters want to be able to promote shows on new channels and to do targeted campaigns on audience segments.
how and why →

Festivals and Events

For the user who wants to have a complete experience and not miss anything of the events in both, time and space.
how and why →

Libraries and Bookstores

To offer a trusted bookseller in your pocket, telling synopses of the most interesting books.
how and why →

Tourism and Urban Contamination

Tourists and citizens can discover what surrounds them by walking around the city hunting for special content.
how and why →

Other Cultural Businesses

Are you in an industry where you offer culture and have an audience to serve and engage? Showtime! could do it for you!
how and why →


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