Bellini Theater

The Bellini Theater is one of the oldest theaters in Naples: located in the heart of the city’s historic center, it was opened in 1864, destroyed after a few years by fire and rebuilt in 1871. Today in the building, with its unaltered 19th-century charm, multiple activities coexist housed in the structure’s many living spaces: in addition to the majestic hall of the Bellini Theater, there are the Little Bellini, dedicated to programming shows from the off circuit, the space Laterzagorà in the foyer, which is both a bookstore, venue for artist talks and book presentations, and the Sottopalco, a bar/bistro and location for exhibitions and live music sessions.

Active since the 2016/17 season, the official Bellini Theater app allows users to easily consult the shows and events of the season, access key information about the theater and create their own Wish List thanks to which they will be notified near the shows they are interested in.

Further updates to the app have allowed users to purchase tickets on the app and, if subscribers, view their already purchased shows. With additional marketing services, theater communication offices have been able to build through the app direct communication with their viewers both while they are at home and while they are on site.

From 2022, the app is then updated throughout its brand, allowing the cultural institution to continue using it as a digital appendage to its spaces, to increase visits to the theater communicating with its users in a targeted manner and enabling new promotion strategies capable of reaching visitors in a direct and innovative way.


Bellini Theater
Naples (NA)


  • iPhone and Android app development
  • App Management Web Console
  • Push Notification Campaigns
  • Proximity Marketing
  • Subscriptions in App
  • Mobile marketing consulting

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