La Contrada – Teatro Stabile di Trieste

Teatro Popolare “La Contrada” was founded in Trieste on April 22, 1976, on the initiative of actors Orazio Bobbio, Ariella Reggio, Lidia Braico and director Francesco Macedonio. The original name of what was later to become La Contrada – Teatro Stabile di Trieste, was suggested by Ariella Reggio, with the intention of combining a term capable of evoking the company’s Trieste origins and a word that, in full harmony with the concept of “self-management” of the 1970s, indicated a theater that intended to stand as an alternative to the official one.

The establishment of the company and the start of artistic activities are, in truth, the culmination of a long journey matured by the founders through years of discussions, stimuli, and projects. Undoubtedly playing in favor of the birth of the Contrada is the common membership of the four founders in the Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia, within which, for many years, they had been carrying out their artistic activities.

The La Contrada App aims to communicate artistic activity across the board: real-time updates on performances, events and projects scheduled for the Bobbio and Fabbri Theaters

The Main Menu highlights the Playbill by following its evolution over time, highlighting upcoming and upcoming shows. Audiences can filter the daily poster by Halls, thus choosing to delve deeper into the event cards of the space of interest by purchasing the admission ticket directly from their device.

The Map section will help get to the performance venue with the Navigate To feature that is activated simply by selecting the location of interest.

Each user’s Personal Area allows the creation of an exclusive Wish List that will allow them to be notified near the beginning of each event added to the list!

In addition, starting in February 2022, thanks to the implementation of Show.Ticket which enablesnative ticketing integration, each user can purchase in security, speed by choosing the “best seats” from the floor plan and receiving tickets directly via email on their device!


La Contrada – Teatro Stabile di Trieste
Trieste (Ts)


  • iPhone and Android app development
  • Web Console Development for App Management
  • Communication consulting on mobile channel

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